How Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Stress

Women stressed

I. Stress and Mindfulness

Stress is an integral part of our life. It often leads to physiological responses to uncertainties, tension, or life’s unfortunate situations. There are many factors contributing to stress ranging from relationship struggles, work demands, major life changes, and we all respond to stressors differently.  If stress is left unchecked it can disturb mental health, sleep patterns, compromise the immune system and put strain on physical health.

Mindfulness is about living in the present moment, consciously and without judgment. It helps you to place your focus on current thoughts, feelings, and experiences, steering your mental lens away from past regrets or future anxieties.

Mindfulness and stress are like the sun and shadows. When you shine the light of mindfulness, the shadows of stress recede. By paying attention to the present moment, you curb the tendency to dwell on past distress or future uncertainties. Growing more mindful helps dilute stress, making it easier to cope and maintain composure, even in challenging situations.

Man stressed

II. The Science Behind Mindfulness and its Impact on Stress Reduction

When you delve into the brain's dynamics during mindful meditation, extraordinary changes become visible. Studies show that mindfulness leads to a decrease in grey matter density in the amygdala, a region that plays a significant role in stress and anxiety. Similarly, it increases the grey matter in the prefrontal cortex, associated with awareness, concentration, and decision-making.

Mindfulness also plays a crucial role in reducing the stress hormone, cortisol. With lower levels of cortisol, your ability to handle stress improves dramatically, encouraging better sleep, improved focus, and overall, a more positive emotional state.

Mindfulness plays into cognitive functions, particularly attention and memory. It acts like a mental sieve, filtering out unnecessary worries and bringing your focus back to the moment. This, in turn, reduces mental exhaustion, a prominent side effect of prolonged stress.

III. Techniques of Mindfulness: Reducing Stress

Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness is often the first step to a mindful life. Here’s how to tune into mindfulness throughout the day:

  1. Set aside some time. You can meditate anywhere that makes you feel comfortable.

  2. Observe the present moment as it is. The aim is not to quit the mind but rather simply aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment. 

  3. Let your judgments roll by. When you notice judgment during your practice, just make a mental note and let it pass.

  4. Return to observing the present moment as it is. Our mind often gets carried away by thoughts. That’s why mindfulness practice can help return to the present moment.

  5. Be kind to your wandering minds. Don’t judge yourself for whatever thoughts are coming up, just practice recognizing when your mind wanders off and gently bring it back.

Everyday Mindfulness

Mindfulness need not be confined to meditation sessions alone. From brushing your teeth to sipping coffee, you can cultivate mindfulness in each small action of the day. Everyday mindfulness involves performing repetitious tasks with full awareness, rather than allowing your mind to operate on autopilot.


Meditation helps to focus on the breath and you can use it as an anchor to the present moment. Throughout meditation, you might find yourself being caught up in thoughts, emotions, and sounds (wherever your mind goes simply come back to the next breath). Here is a simple meditation practice that you can do anytime or anywhere:

  1. Sit comfortably. Find a comfortable spot

  2. Notice what your legs are doing. If your legs are on a cushion, cross them comfortably in front of you. If your legs are on a chair, rest the bottom of your feet on the floor.

  3. Straighten your upper body. Don’t stiffen your body just let your body feel comfortable.

  4. Notice what your arms are doing. Let your upper arms be parallel to your upper body. Let the palms of your hand rest on your leg wherever it feels natural.

  5. Soften your eyes. Drop your chin and let your eyes fall gently downwards. It's your choice to close your eyes or leave them open. 

  6. Feel your breath. Bring your attention to the physical sensation of breathing: the air moving through your nose, the raising and falling of the belly and chest

  7. Notice when your mind wanders from your breath. Your attention may leave your breath and wander to other places. It's ok. Don’t eliminate or block the thinking rather just notice your mind gently retune to your attention to the breath.

  8. Be kind about your wandering mind. It’s normal for your mind to wander. Instead of fighting with your thoughts practice observing them without a reaction. Just sit and pay attention without judgment or expectation.

  9. When you are ready gently open or lift your eyes. Take a moment to notice any sounds in the surroundings. Notice how your body is feeling right now. Notice your emotions and thoughts.

IV. Overcoming the Challenges: Implementing Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

Common Barriers to Mindfulness Practices and How to Overcome Them

Initial hurdles in adopting mindfulness often revolve around time constraints or struggling to quiet the mind. However, overcoming these barriers is not impossible. Start with short mindfulness sessions and gradually increase their duration. As for the restless mind, remember that the goal of mindfulness is not to reach an unreachable state of perpetual calm but to treat each thought impartially, without judgment and learn to let them pass.

Tips for Maintaining Consistency and Commitment

Remember that mindfulness is like a muscle; the more you flex it, the stronger it gets. Maintaining consistency is crucial for reaping the benefits of mindfulness. Try setting aside a fixed time daily for mindfulness, create a favourable environment and gradually make it an integral part of your lifestyle.

Overcoming Potential Pitfalls

It's important to resist seeing mindfulness as a magic solution. Instead, approach it with patience and persistence, understanding that the journey is as essential as the destination. Avoid getting too engrossed in achieving 'perfect' mindfulness and focus more on gradually incorporating it into daily life.

Obtain balance through meditation and mindfulness

 V. Summary: The Power of Mindfulness in Stress Reduction

Mindfulness has proven efficacious in dampening the effects of stress, fostering a sense of calm, enhancing focus, and promoting overall well-being. It allows us to break free from the repercussions of chronic stress, which includes disturbed sleep patterns, mental fatigue, and reduced quality of life.

Like any skill, attaining mastery in mindfulness requires consistency. Celebrate the small wins, be patient, and keep the focus on the process rather than fretting about 'quick results.' Remember, mindfulness evolves with time and patience.

Moving beyond the confines of 'tools,' mindfulness should be seen as a way of life. It presents a novel way of relating to our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, fostering an inner tranquillity that helps navigate life's stresses more skillfully.

If you find yourself struggling with stress, please do not hesitate to book a free consultation (click here!).

Reach out to today, and embark on your journey of healing.

Harpreet Kaur Saini


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